Last night I took the kids to City Coffeehouse. The ambiance in there is great... cool, eclectic, inviting... with its red walls and giant mural of the Detroit skyline. Friday nights they host live music... aspiring young musicians rocking the foggy front corner window to a crowd of aspiring hipsters.

"Mom," she said, pointing to a painting of grass with a ladybug. "I could totally do that."
"Okay," I replied. "Then do it."
Today was spent painting. I told my young artist that if she completed a dozen (or so) really good paintings, we would take a portfolio down to Joe at City Coffeehouse and ask if she can be a featured artist.
Here is the culmination of today's efforts- she calls it "Orange Daisy's Purple Life."
Her inspiration is on the left, her painting on the right (just in case you couldn't tell which was which). I kind of want to hang it in our music room... but she hopes to put a whopping $20 price tag on it for her coffee shop exhibition. Personally, I think she could get twenty-five.
Incidentally, if you have old frames laying around, Kayden would love to repurpose them for displaying her art in the event she gets in as a featured artist! :)